Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What a day :(

So in another installment of touring the pediatric ERs of the northeastern US, E turned all kinds of purple and blue today between Big Sis's gymnastics and eating lunch before school. You can see below. When I saw her fingers, lips and toes all blue I freaked a bit. We rushed her in to the ER. Yesterday she was diagnosed with a penicillin allergy and we were told that the rash would last for a while. What we weren't told was that there was a spectrum of rash that goes from some itchy hive-like rash to YOUR SKIN FALLING OFF. Seriously. Glad I didn't goo.gle that S&*^ yesterday! Anyway the ER was a bit worried but her oxygen levels kept coming back ok so after observation and benadryl (which they later told us doesn't do much for this anyway) we were sent home with an appointment to see the dermatologist tomorrow and instructions to come back if E's skin starts peeling. As in peeling off her body all horror movie style. Ug. One more thing to worry about when I am trying to get some rest. I am seriously going to start developing OCD over here and check her 100 times a night.

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