Thursday, February 14, 2013


We have had two previous casts for a total of 14 weeks. We have never had skin issues. We never had anything break on a cast. In the first 8 hours of cast 3 the strap broke. The straps I noted were really close in to her head. I think the carseat broke the strap or holding E to breastfeed her. Now she is getting sores on her head because of these straps. Straps which on Wednesday the ortho said she didn't really need. The big question is why he made a cast with straps if she didn't need it. I am looking into our options. At this point travel is back in the picture. I want to see if we can get in at a Shriners within driving distance (Erie or Philly). Philly would be near to family so no hotel or rental car but I know Erie does excellent casts. I am so upset. I did this for saving money and convenience and going to Boston over and over because this cast is not a good cast is NOT convenient or cost savings. It wastes everyone's time. Big Sis misses school, Daddy misses work and I have not slept a single good night since before this cast was put on because of worry. This is not a good situation.

Here are were the sores are starting after LESS THAN 4 DAYS.

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