Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cast Removal

This time we were in and out fast! E's skin looks great. Actually they kept commenting on how good it looked. I was more pleased with her progress. Her back looks nearly straight to the naked eye. If you look really closely you can see there is still a little bit of a curve but the progress is amazing. I didn't expect as much because she has grown less than an inch in during this cast. Below I have a picture taken in September (over a month before her first cast) and a picture taken today. Mehta casting is truly a non-invasive cure (and miracle!).

E on 2/5/13 after 2 casts:

E in early 9/12:


  1. Wow - the before and after pictures are amazing! Big pats on the back to you for going with your gut and getting the casts now instead of waiting to see what happens. You must be so happy!

  2. Wow...the difference is amazing! So glad this casting technique is working for your sweet little girl.
