Saturday, November 17, 2012

Halfway there!

We are officially over the hump. There is less time left ahead of us in this cast than behind. That is great since we've had 5 diaper explosions and 2 minor incidents. I realized we have two problems. Pooing in the carseat and then there is the issue with leaning over. She can't bend the top half of her body so to get something off the floor she only bends from the hip. This causes a plumbers crack situation. Things seem to be better in the cloth diapers but the plumbers crack situation may lead to ruin. I've taken a pantyliner and placed it inside of the cast to avoid this issue. I am sure we will get the hang of this just in time for her to no longer need casts.

In other news, my order from has arrived! Please see below. I had fun picking out the duct tape patterns which will hopefully last us until the end of casting. We've already gone through a whole roll of the pink paisley and some of the thinner decorative rolls. To highlight the need for duct taping the cast I've included a picture of the cupcake bandit. She was aided by her sister the ring leader of the cupcake caper. While I was dealing with big Sis's stolen cupcake E was in the the kitchen and very motivated. I didn't realize the cupcakes were on the floor but E did and made her way over to the container and dove in. Without duct tape around the opening E would have gotten chocolate all over the top of the cast and that would have been a disaster for us!

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