Last Friday night E's brace broke. The rivet holding in the middle strap popped right out. I didn't feel like driving to the hospital twice in one week and we really didn't have any time anyway so E got a happy week off from her brace.
During the week Big Sis and I made an elephant for E. She has been dying to get one. I made one as a gift and two to auction off to support Project Mariposa which benefits children born with SMA. Poor E LOVED those elephants. Now she has one of her own.
After all of that we went to pick up her new brace today. It is very different from the first one. Today was the first time we had Rusty. He is really cool and I have to say all of the orthotists we've have been great. E's new brace is much more like a "grown up" Boston brace. It has a cut in to allow her to bend a bit easier. I love the little teddy bears on it. Poor E is very upset. She loved her week of freedom. She cried most of the ride home rather than take a nap.